Public works


The public works branch build and maintain infrastructures like roads, tunnels, canalisations and civil engineering structures.

In this field of construction people take care about the living conditions and the environment but also improve and secure the energy conveyance.

This sector requires the use of tools and construction machines generally unwieldy and very powerful.

But operators also need lighter and easy to handle machines to prepare and secure the work with the biggest excavation machines.

Mabi has also a place in this branch offering 2 complementary machines:

On one side, ergonomic stripper Scrap’air 55 for all excavation works. 2 grips have been developed, D or T grip, to allow the operators to choose the most adapted grip according to their construction site constraints and/or to their work position. Thanks to the box, stripper Scrap’air 55 can be storage directly in the construction trucks, like for example in vacuum trucks. 

On the other side, Saf’Dig a powerful lance air. The air pick Saf’Dig will able the operators to uncompresse and dig earth in order to find buried canalisations or conducts (gas, electricity, ). The tube of the air pick isolates the user from electricity. The air pick is light and very steerable.

Interventions in urban area will be facility thanks to those complementary tools. Easy to set up, light weight and handling, air pick Saf’Dig is the ideal tool on public workplaces. 

Interventions in cities will be facilitated due to the complementarity of the machines and their unobtrusive size. Machines will also be within reach. 

In addition, ergonomic, anti-vibration systems and protection against electricity will allow the operators to take action carefully and quickly.


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